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High Plains Educational Cooperative

Board of Director’s Meeting

July 18, 2024

7:00 PM



611  Shelly Harris, Director

611  Marlene Dodge, Asst. Director

611  Alexa Beltz, Asst. Director

611  Kim Cruz, Asst. Director

611  Chrissie Mangels, Treasurer

611  Grace Hollingsworth, Clerk

217 Phoebe Brummett, BOD

209 Brian White, BOD

214 Diana Nunez, BOD

215  Kyle Berning, BOD

214  Corey Burton, Supt.

452  Trenton Horn, Supt.

215  Clifford Williams, Supt.

Via Zoom:

507  Liz Weeks, BOD

216  Amanda Johnson, BOD

371  Bobie Davis, BOD

476  Sara Koehn, BOD

467  Julie Beedy, BOD

200  Shea Stewart, BOD

218  Crystal Fleming, BOD

216  Crystal Steinmentz, Supt.

626   Kim Mauk, Guest


1.         Call to Order  

Phoebe Brummett, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

2.         Introduction of HPEC Representatives

3.         Approve Consent Agenda

Diana Nuñez moved to approve the consent agenda with an amended agenda establishing item 11 as an action item, item 16 as an informational item addressing Form 120 revision, and item 17 to adjourn.  Brian White seconded the motion. Motion carries 11 yes, 0 no.

4.         Comments from the Public

There were none in writing.

5.         Committee Reports

            a.         RSC

Kim Mauk gave the report.

            b.         Council of Superintendents

There was no report.

6.         Election of Officers

Phoebe Brummett moved to nominate Amber Wilkerson as Vice President for the 2024-25 school year.  Diana Nuñez seconded the motion.  Upon discussion, it was made evident that Amber Wilkerson will not represent Stanton County for the 2024-25 school year.  Phoebe Brummett made a motion to amend the presented motion to nominate Kyle Berning as Vice President for the 2024-25 school year.  Diana Nuñez seconded the motion.  Motion carries 11 yes 0 no.

Phoebe Brummett moved to nominate Diana Nuñez as President for the 2024-25 school year.  Brian White seconded the motion.  Motion carries 11 yes, 0 no.

7.         Consent Agenda for Reorganization

            a.         Clerk                                                   Grace Hollingsworth

            b.         Treasurer                                             Christine Mangels

            c.         Attorney                                              Jennifer Cunningham

            d.         Depository                                          Grant Co. Bank, Ulysses, KS

            e.         Official Publication                            Ulysses News

            f.          KPERS Representative                       Christine Mangels

            g.         Freedom of Information Officer         Shelly Harris

            h.         Fees to Compile and Copy Records   $20 an hour to compile                      

10 cents per page

            i.          Privacy Officer for                              Christine Mangels

                        Health Care Plan

            j.          Board Member Hearing Officer         Diana Nuñez

            k.         Credit Card Limits and Uses              Christine Mangels

l.          Resolution for the Annual Waiver of Requirements of

                        Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

  • Designated Meeting Time and Place

July – June the meal will be at 6:30 P.M. with the meeting immediately following. The board meeting will be the third Thursday of the month, with the exception of March, which will be the fourth Thursday of the month. The designated meeting place will be at High Plains Educational Cooperative Central Office in the conference room. The Zoom option will be available for those members not wishing to travel to the Central Office in Ulysses.

The Board of Directors reserves the right to adjourn any regular meeting to another time and place.

  • Mileage Rate

Mileage rate will remain the same as the state mileage rate.

            o.         Designation of                                    Shelly Harris

                        HIPAA Security Officer

Diana Nuñez moved to approve the consent agenda for reorganization as presented in the packet.  Phoebe Brummett seconded the motion. Motion carries 11 yes, 0 no.

8.         HPEC Interlocal Agreement

Shelly shared the summary of the HPEC Interlocal Agreement. Information was on the screen.

9.         HPEC Policy, Procedures and Practices

Alexa shared the revisions summary for the HPEC Policy, Procedures and Practices.

10.       Approval of Handbooks

Phoebe Brummett moved to approve the changes to the Certified Personnel, Interim Teacher, Paraeducator, Professional Development, and Evaluation Handbooks for the 2024-25 school year as presented.  Kyle Berning seconded the motion.  Motion carries 11 yes, 0 no.

11.       Staff Contracts and Resignations

There were no resignations or contracts to review.

12.       Central Office Staff

Shelly shared the roles and wages of the HPEC Central Office Staff and Administrators and proposed an increase.  Phoebe Brummett moved to approve the wage increase.  Diana Nuñez seconded the motion.  Motion carries 10 yes, 1 abstained.

13.       Negotiations

The negotiations committee met July 17th. Diana Nuñez shared information regarding the tentative agreement.  Teachers will vote on the agreement August 2nd.

14.       Transfer of Funds    

Brian White moved to approve the year end transfer of funds.  Phoebe Brummett seconded the motion.  Motion carries 10 yes, 1 abstained.

15.       Staff Development – August Inservice Activities

Alexa shared with the Board July 30th and 31st will be new teachers and mentors inservice at HPEC Central Office and All Staff will be August 2nd at Ulysses High School.

16.       Form 120 Revision

Shelly shared the state’s revisions to Form 120 and how that will affect each District.  Information was shared on the screen.

17.       Adjourn

Phoebe Brummett moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 P.M.  Brian White seconded the motion. Motion carries 10 yes, 1 abstained.



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