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High Plains Educational Cooperative

Board of Director’s Meeting

September 19, 2024

7:00 PM



611  Shelly Harris, Director

611  Marlene Dodge, Asst. Director

611  Alexa Beltz, Asst. Director

611  Kim Cruz, Asst. Director

611  Chrissie Mangels, Treasurer

611  Grace Hollingsworth, Clerk

214 Diana Nunez, BOD

209 Brian White, BOD

452  Rhett Seyb, BOD

507  Benjamin Fuentes, Alt. BOD

214  Corey Burton, Supt.

363  Dr. Scott Myers, Supt.

Via Zoom:

371  Bobie Davis, BOD

476  James Loepky, BOD

466  Deb Drohman, BOD

217  Kimberly Hull, BOD

216  Amanda Johnson, BOD

216  Crystal Steinmentz, Supt.

626   Kim Mauk, Guest


1.         Call to Order  

Diana Nuñez, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

2.         Approve Consent Agenda

Brian White moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.  Rhett Seyb seconded the motion. Motion carries 9 yes, 0 no.

3.         Comments from the Public

There were none in writing.

4.         Committee Reports

            a.         RSC

Kim Mauk gave the report.

            b.         Council of Superintendents

Kim Mauk gave the report.

5.         Update on Special Education Staff

Shelly Harris shared paraeducator numbers with the Board.  We are approaching pre-pandemic employment numbers.

Shelly Harris shared information about our International Teachers hired through HireFox.  Two of the teachers are here now and teaching, we are waiting on one more to arrive.

6.         HPEC Policies, Practices, and Procedures

Alexa Beltz shared a draft of the rewritten Policies, Practices, and Procedures.  Brian White moved to accept the revised handbook as written.  Rhett Seyb seconded.  Motion carries 9 yes, 0 no.

7.         Committee Appointments for 2024-25

Brian White moved to approve the committee members as presented.  Rhett Seyb seconded the motion. Motion carries 9 yes, 0 no.

8.         Contracts/Resignations

Rhett Seyb moved to approve the contracts for Rehab Visions for Physical Therapy services, Northwest Kansas Educational Service Center for Vision Impaired services, Southwest Kansas Area Cooperative for Orientation and Mobility Specialist Michael Rice, Megan Sullivan for Physical Therapy services, and Jerrie Brooks for Consulting services.  All of these contracts will be for the 2024-25 school year.  Brian White seconded the motion.  Motion carries 9 yes, 0 no.

9.         Adult Jails

Kim Cruz shared the state’s requirements for ensuring that students with disabilities receive services if they are in a county jail.

10.       Out of School Suspensions and Students with Disabilities

Marlene Dodge shared new practices put in place this school year to address Indicator 4 that deals with out of school suspensions and students with disabilities.

11.       LETRS Training

Alexa Beltz shared information about LETRS Training.  Shelly Harris proposed a stipend for teachers going through this training.  Brian White moved to approve the teacher stipend.  Rhett Seyb seconded the motion.  Motion carries 9 yes, 0 no.

12.       Staff Development

Marlene Dodge shared with the Board that on September 11th there was a Related Services training at HPEC central office for School Psychologists, Speech Language Pathologists, and Physical Therapists.  On September 14th there was a DLM training at HPEC central office for interrelated teachers.

13.       Director’s Report

            a.  Fall Goal Setting

In the fall, administrators meet with teachers to set their goals for the year.  The goals will be reviewed with administrators again in the spring.

            b.  Staff Evaluations

In October the administrative team will begin evaluations for new teachers.  Staff on years one and two will be evaluated twice per year.  HPEC administrators will seek input from the building principals during this process.

            c.  IDEA/Gifted File Review and Indicators 11 & 12

There are 2 districts that are part of Cohort 1 for IDEA/Gifted File Review and Indicator 11 & 12.  HPEC pulled the files and reviewed them for compliance.  Data for Indicators 11 & 12 have been submitted.

14.       Other

There was nothing else to share.

15.       Adjourn

Rhett Seyb moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 P.M. Brian White seconded the motion. Motion carries 9 yes, 0 no.




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